According to Fire & Rescue NSW (FRNSW) data, 56 per cent of fatal home fires between 2000 and 2014 occurred in homes where no smoke alarms were present. A working smoke alarm provides a critical early warning giving people time to escape.
Smoke Alarms’ legislation defines that Smoke Alarms are necessary in all buildings where people sleep. Meeting the requirements of Australian Standard AS 3786 (also to be hard wired), under Clause 146A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment, and Division 7A of Part 9 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.
Even though the legislation covers the minimum level of protection, it is recommended by the Fire & Rescue NSW that the owners and occupants should provide a higher level of protection.

Fire & Rescue NSW (FRNSW) explains the following procedure in order to maintenance the Smoke Alarms:
- Once a month
Test the smoke alarm batteries by pressing and holding the test button for at least five seconds until you hear the beeps.
- Every 6 months
Vacuum dust off your smoke alarms every six months. Keeping the smoke alarm free of particles.
- Every year
Replace lead or alkaline batteries every 12 months.
- Every 10 years
Replace all smoke alarms.
Fire Safety. Retrieved from http://www.fire.nsw.gov.au/page.php?id=439. Accessed on 20/09/2017