Annual Fire Safety Statement
In New South Wales the fire safety systems installed within buildings are called Essential Fire Safety Measures and are an integral part of the life and safety of occupants within commercial and public buildings in the event of an emergency or fire.
Every twelve months your Annual Fire Safety Statement must be prepared and forwarded to your local Council and Fire Brigade. The Annual Fire Safety Statement must certify that a Competent Fire Safety Practitioner has inspected the building, assessed the fire safety measures, and found that the measure is capable of performing to the relevant standard.
Under the latest legislation requirements all AFSS’s issued to council must now be endorsed by a “Competent Fire Safety Practitioner” (CFSP).
Annual Certification Administration System (ACAS)
BCA Performance have designed a custom made database to track and monitor all aspects of the annual certification process
ACAS - is designed to organise and maintain annual inspections and certification for fire safety measures within existing buildings and prepare annual fire safety statements for submission to the Client, Council and NSW Fire and Rescue.
Key database Features
Holds detailed list of all individual buildings
Holds detailed list of all fire services installed within each building
Lists BCA Clauses / Australian Standards for each fire measure
Lists all Contractors assigned to test the fire measures installed within each building
Provides dates when annual tests are due to commence
Stores all past and present contractor certifcates and AFSS's
Generates an “in house” Fire Safety Certificate as required
Generates the Division 7 Inspection Report for each building annually
Generates an accurate AFSS from the Contractors Certificates
Generates the Fire Safety Schedule

Annual Certification Administration System

ACAS monitors all aspects of the certification process.

ACAS generates a Fire Safety Certificate for fire measures that are tested in-house.

Annual Certification Administration System